It’s extremely stressful to check your credit report and see something negative on it. Your credit report and score have a huge impact on your life. You might be denied if you want to make a big purchase, like getting a new car or house, and your credit score is too low. If you’re able to qualify for an account, when your score is low, it can then mean that you end up paying a significantly higher interest rate. You might be turned down by landlords, and you can even lose job opportunities because of your credit score.
So what if you pull your report and find the name 11 Cox Communications on it? It would likely be listed as a collections account, leaving you confused.
On the other hand, your initial introduction to this company name could have been when they started calling you.
Your next questions are probably how to get this negative information off your credit report, repair your score, and get the company to stop calling you. There are ways to achieve all of these goals.
Getting repeated phone calls from a company when you have no idea who they are or what they do is already stressful. They might also try to call your family members and contact you in other ways, like by mail.
If you’re finding yourself in any of these situations, it’s because 11 Cox Communications believes you owe money, and they’re trying to collect that debt. You have to figure out whether or not you actually owe the debt since, according to one recent study, more than one-third of Americans found errors on their credit reports.
11 Cox Communications isn’t a scam. They’re a real, legitimate company, and they really are trying to collect a debt that you had with Cox Communications or that they think you had. Whether or not you actually owe the debt is something to figure out by first speaking to a consumer protection attorney.
If 11 Cox Communications is trying to call you or they’ve already sent a collections account to a credit bureau, you should first call a Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) attorney.
An FCRA attorney can find out the details of the debt that a collections agency says you owe and then determine the best steps going forward.
There are often situations where debt-related information is somewhat or fully wrong. Examples include:
How common mistakes are on credit reports tends to surprise a lot of people. They happen all the time, highlighting the importance of regularly checking your reports for errors. When you do this, ensure you’re getting reports from all three bureaus because the information isn’t always the same.
There are a couple of important federal laws that are relevant when you’re dealing with a debt collector.
The first is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act or the FDCPA, which puts limits on what debt collectors can do. Even if you find out that you legitimately owe a debt to 11 Cox Communications, this doesn’t mean they can use harassment or intimidation to collect it from you.
Debt collectors can’t use deceptive strategies, and they can’t contact you at times that are intentionally inconvenient, like early in the morning or late at night. A debt collector legally isn’t allowed to contact you more than seven times in a seven-day period. They also can’t contact your work if you ask them not to, or provide certain information to other people, such as your employer.
If you’re dealing with harassment from a debt collector, an FDCPA attorney can be a good resource to make that stop.
If you think that 11 Cox Communications is calling you because of something you don’t owe, or a debt that’s the result of fraud like identity theft, you have protections under the FCRA. It’s your right to dispute debts, and an FCRA attorney can do that on your behalf, making sure all the steps are followed properly. When your attorney works on a dispute on your behalf, the collection calls will stop during this time, as the company receiving the dispute conducts a required investigation.
Unfortunately, even with the FCRA in place, filing a dispute doesn’t always get your credit report corrected if you try to do it on your own. The debt collection company might not respond, or they could say that they’ll remove a debt after an investigation but don’t follow through. They might also continue to tell you that you owe a debt when you don’t.
These are further examples highlighting the importance of working with an attorney.
If you want to stop feeling the effects of 11 Cox Communications on your credit and finances, we encourage you to get in touch with our team. We specialize in the FCRA and can review your case for free to help you determine the best next steps.
Too often, people feel helpless when it comes to dealing with debt collectors, especially if there’s an error. In reality, specific federal rights protect you, and we can help ensure that’s what’s happening.
Don't let these companies get away with violating your rights and causing you financial & emotional distress.