Firstpoint Collection Resources on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
April 10, 2023

If you're receiving calls or letters from Firstpoint Collection Resources, you're not the only one. The good news is you can take action against unlawful debt collection efforts and have negative items removed from your credit report.

Our FCRA attorneys can help with disputing errors, negotiating debt settlements, and making sure debt collectors are held accountable for their actions. Contact us today for your free case review. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about dealing with Firstpoint Collection Resources.

Is Firstpoint Collection Resources a Scam?

Firstpoint Collection Resources is a legitimate debt collection agency. However, they’ve faced a lot of scrutiny due to the number of negative reviews and complaints levied against them in recent years.

The Better Business Bureau has given them a C rating with over 80 complaints filed in the last year, WalletHub rates them 3/5 stars based on six written reviews, and Google rates them 2.2/5 stars with twelve written reviews - all of which may be cause for concern.

When dealing with debt collection agencies, remember that you have rights and options. Check your credit report carefully for inaccuracies, and contact Firstpoint directly to get more clarity about the debt. If you don’t want to deal with them directly, let us do it for you. Contact us today. 

How Can I Contact Firstpoint Collection Resources? 

If you've been contacted by Firstpoint Collection Resources regarding an overdue personal loan but have never actually had one, it's essential to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. 

You can start by carefully reviewing your credit report and then reaching out directly to them using one of the following contact methods:

  • Phone number: 1-800-288-7408
  • Website:
  • Payment Portal:
  • Mailing Address: 225 Commerce Pl. Greensboro, NC 27401

Be aware that debt collectors may try to get you to accept responsibility for a debt or agree to a debt settlement plan without validating the debt first. For this reason and others, it’s recommended that you consult with a professional before making an agreement with a Firstpoint Collection.

Why is Firstpoint Collection Resources Calling Me?

If you've been receiving phone calls from Firstpoint Collection Resources, it's likely due to one of the following reasons but not limited to:

  • Unpaid Debt

They may be trying to collect a legit debt from you, ranging from credit card bills to medical bills.

  • Identity Theft

You may have received calls about debts that are not even yours if you are a victim of identity theft. Ensure you dispute these debts and have them removed from your credit report.

  • Mistaken Identity

It's possible the debt collectors have contacted the wrong person due to common names, so make sure to clarify this.

  • Outdated Information

If you have moved without updating creditors with your new address, Firstpoint Collection Resources could be calling with outdated information.

  • Old Information

Any debt past its statute of limitations cannot be sued for or reported on your credit report. If it hasn't automatically fallen off, either dispute it, or consult an attorney who specializes in consumer law to assert your rights.

No matter the reason for the call, remember that collection agencies like Firstpoint Collection Resources must abide by rules set by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Contact us today if you believe your consumer rights have been violated. 

How Can I Remove Firstpoint Collection Resources From My Credit Report?

If you're trying to remove Firstpoint Collection Resources from your credit report, here are some steps you can take:

  • Negotiate a settlement with them for a lower amount than what you owe
  • Request a pay-for-delete agreement – not all debt collectors will agree to this
  • Dispute any inaccuracies with the credit bureau
  • Seek legal assistance if needed

Regardless of the approach, it's important to understand your rights and protect yourself. An experienced FCRA attorney can help you navigate the process and make sure your rights are respected.

What Can I Do If Firstpoint Collection Resources Sues Me? 

If you are being sued by Firstpoint Collection Resources, don't panic. You have legal rights and options to defend yourself and resolve the debt. Here are some steps to take:

  • Don't ignore the lawsuit - respond in a timely manner and don’t admit to owing the alleged debt until you get more information
  • Get legal help from an experienced consumer rights attorney
  • Review the lawsuit carefully, and if necessary, gather evidence to dispute it
  • Attend court hearings and be prepared to present your case
  • Consider bankruptcy as a last resort, as it can have long-term consequences for your credit and financial future

Debt collection lawsuits can be scary, frustrating, and confusing. If you’re being sued by Firstpoint collections, you don’t have to go through this ordeal alone. Our FCRA attorneys are here to help. Contact us today to discuss your options with a proven lawyer. 

Most Common Allegations & Complaints Against Firstpoint Collection Resources

Similar to many other debt collectors, consumers have made several complaints and allegations against Firstpoint Collection Resources. These include:

  • Harassment and abusive language from collection agents
  • Failure to validate debts upon request
  • Reporting inaccurate information to credit bureaus
  • Attempting to collect debts past the statute of limitations
  • Unauthorized withdrawals from bank accounts

If you or someone you know has experienced any of these issues with Firstpoint Collection Resources, it's important to take action. Get in touch with an FCRA attorney who can help you understand your rights and options. 

Contact Us To Schedule your Free Case Evaluation 

Are you tired of dealing with Firstpoint Collection Resources and need help? Don't hesitate to reach out to our experienced FCRA attorneys. We’re here to help you understand your rights, dispute any errors, and fight back against debt collection attempts. 

Our attorneys can provide assistance with negotiations for a debt settlement agreement or disputing credit reporting errors. Don’t let negative items stay on your credit report longer than they have to. Get in touch today to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our knowledgeable FCRA lawyers.

Ready to take action?

Don't let these companies get away with violating your rights and causing you financial & emotional distress.

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