Jefferson Capital Systems on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
April 15, 2023

Dealing with debt collection agencies is an unpleasant experience. Thousands of people have been on the receiving end of repeated and unwanted text messages and phone calls. Facing them for the first time can be intimidating, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

If Jefferson Capital Systems has appeared on your credit report and you don’t know why, it’s time to take action. Continue reading to learn more about debt collection agencies and how you can effectively remove them from your report.

What is Jefferson Capital Systems and What Do They Do?

Founded in 2002, Jefferson Capital Systems (JCS) is one of the biggest third-party debt collection agencies in the United States. Their headquarters is located in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

With locations both across the country and internationally, the agency has a notorious reputation for tirelessly contacting consumers about alleged debts. Creditors often turn to collection agencies like Jefferson Capital Systems to collect debts they no longer want to be responsible for.

Is Jefferson Capital Systems a Legitimate Company?

Jefferson Capital Systems is not a scam, they are a legitimate company. While their persistent and oftentimes annoying communication tactics might appear to be spam calls, they are a real company. Their calls should be taken seriously and with urgency, as ignoring them will not help your credit score or make the calls stop. 

If you are receiving calls, text messages, emails, or letters from JCS you should take steps to start resolving their accusations about alleged debts owed.

Recipient and Consumer Complaints

Like most other debt collection agencies, Jefferson Capital Systems has an overwhelming amount of complaints and negative comments from consumers. This is a direct result of the constant, unwanted phone calls and lack of transparency from the agency. Jefferson Capital Systems has a 1.31/5 star rating according to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) due to overall consumer dissatisfaction.

Company’s Contact Information

It’s often wise not to contact a Jefferson Capital Systems representative directly. Once you confirm for them they have your correct contact information their calls will get more frequent. First, do your own research and make sure you are well informed before engaging in communication.

Their current business information is as follows:

  • Address & Location: 16 McLeland Road St. Cloud, MN 56303
  • Phone Number: 1-833-851-5552
  • Website:

You may feel a sense of urgency when it comes to answering Jefferson Capital Systems’ calls. We strongly advise against this. There are many different avenues toward removing them from your credit report once and for all and you’ll need to see which one applies to you.

What Does Jefferson Capital Systems Collect For?

Most third-party debt collection agencies, like Jefferson Capital Systems, rarely disclose the specific list of clients they work with. However, some of the general industries they collect for include credit card issuers, telecommunications, Fortune 500 creditors, and utility providers.

If you have an unpaid debt with a company in any of the above sectors, that may be why JCS is reaching out to you.

Will This Harm My Credit?

Unfortunately, any debt collection account under your credit report will impact your credit score. A derogatory report from JCS can affect your credit score and therefore your ability to secure future loans, rent property, and more.

In some cases paying off the debt may help your credit score, and in others, it will not. Before making any payments to JCS ensure you verify that you recognize the debt. Then, consult with a professional about whether paying it off or not will have any positive impact on your score.

Why is Jefferson Capital Systems Contacting Me?

There could be several reasons why Jefferson Capital Systems may be contacting you. However, those reasons might not always be legitimate. Agencies like JCS make common errors, and the accusations could be fraudulent. JCS is contacting you because they assume you owe a debt to one of their clients.

Removing Jefferson Capital Systems From Your Credit Report

If you’re worried about the impact of having Jefferson Capital Systems on your credit report, here are some steps you can take toward resolution.

Know Your Rights

Debt collection agencies are required to follow a code of ethics per the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) when contacting you. The following actions from a debt collection agency are not permitted:

  • Debt collectors may not communicate in a way that is abusive, violent, or threatening.
  • Debt collectors must identify themselves.
  • Debt collectors may not make any false or fraudulent claims.
  • Debt collectors may not force or pressure you to do anything.

Review Your Credit Report for Accuracy

Always be sure to re-examine your credit report. This is an excellent way to identify any credit reporting errors, outdated information, mistaken identity, or general inaccuracies. Copies can be requested from any major trusted credit bureau. If you notice inaccuracies or mistakes on your report, an attorney can help you swiftly get these corrected.

Dispute the Debt

If you don’t believe that you owe a debt, you have the right to dispute it with the collection company and/or with the three main credit reporting bureaus. Contact Fair Credit to ensure your disputes are successful, and Jefferson Capital Systems gets removed from your credit report.

Work With a Trusted Team to Negotiate a Settlement

Facing a debt collector alone is no easy feat. In some cases, the debt may in fact be valid, and therefore you want to negotiate a payment plan or lower pay-off amount. However, even this can be an intimidating and stressful process. Companies like JCS will initially want you to pay the entire amount owed, and will likely be aggressive about this. 

If you need help negotiating a settlement for a valid debt, an attorney can help you negotiate this.

Schedule a Free Case Review With an FCRA Attorney That Cares

Debt collection agencies like Jefferson Capital Systems are known for their unfair and often aggressive practices. Working with our trusted FCRA attorneys will help you protect your rights, negotiate a settlement if needed, and help you take steps to remove JCS from your credit report.

Hiring one of our attorneys will ensure the best possible outcome for you and your credit. We will carefully review your case and come up with a resolution that works for  you. Contact us today and receive a free case review.

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