Capital One Collections on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
April 22, 2023

If you have ever had to deal with debt collectors, then you know that it can be a difficult experience - and how hard it can be to find information about how to manage your debt.

This article will discuss what Capital One Collections is, and more importantly, how to get them removed from your credit report. You'll learn all the essential information necessary to best protect yourself if Capital One Collections contacts you regarding a debt you owe. So read on and discover how to handle these types of situations with knowledge and confidence.

What Does Capital One Collections Do?

Capital One, one of the largest credit card companies in the United States, operates its own debt collection under a branch known as Capital One Collections. Capital One and other debt collectors usually contact consumers with delinquent debts to remind them of the payment obligations they have. 

In the event that a consumer fails to make payments on time, creditors may resort to legal action such as filing suit or other escalation measures. It is therefore important for consumers to stay informed and up-to-date on their payments when managing their financial obligations. 

Is Capital One Collections a Legit Company?

Yes, Capital One Collections is a legitimate branch of Capital One - if you’ve been contacted by them, chances are you have a line of credit that is seriously delinquent with the financial institution. Their business information can be found here:

  • Phone Number: (800) 955-7070
  • Address: 15000 Capital One Dr Richmond, VA 23238
  • Website:
  • BBB Rating: 1/5 

Capital One may be one of the largest financial institutions in the country, but its reputation among past customers isn’t great. Thousands of complaints have been filed both with the Better Business Bureau, where it has a low 1.5 star rating, and with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

This indicates that Capital One may not be using ethical practices when collecting debt from consumers. If you’ve been contacted by them, do your research first to know your rights before attempting to engage with the company on any level - enlisting the assistance of an attorney may also help you deal with them more effectively.

What Can I Do If I’m Being Harassed by Capital One Collections?

When a creditor like Capital One Collections contacts you about an outstanding debt, it is important to be aware of the protections available to you under federal law. As a consumer, you have the right to know exactly how much you owe and be provided with documentation verifying this claim.

Furthermore, you cannot be threatened or harassed in any way during collection attempts or face any kind of abuse. You can also dispute debts if they are older than seven years or if there are mistakes on your credit report. 

Here are some illegal tactics to watch out for when Capital One calls:

  • Misrepresentation or deceit, such as impersonating law enforcement, is not allowed when attempting to collect a debt.
  • Collectors must not disclose information about a debtor's financial situation to third parties without permission.
  • The FDCPA prohibits attempts to collect unauthorized charges, interest, or fees beyond the actual amount owed by the debtor.
  • Debt validation requests must be honored, and collection efforts must cease until the validation is provided to the consumer.
  • Collectors cannot engage in unfair practices, such as threatening legal action without the intent or authority to actually do so.
  • The FDCPA enforces strict guidelines around contacting debtors at inconvenient times or locations, such as late nights or their workplace.
  • Debt collectors are forbidden from continuing communication attempts after receiving a written cease communication request from the debtor.

If you believe your rights as a consumer have been violated by Capital One Collections, you should exercise your right to take legal action against them. Document all offenses that have occurred and reach out to an attorney who has experience in advocating for consumers.

While suing a major company like Capital One sounds intimidating, seeking justice in court is a valid option when your rights have been compromised. Work with a qualified attorney who can help you through the process and secure a successful outcome in your case.

How Can I Get Capital One Collections Removed from My Credit Report? 

Disputing a collections account on your credit report is an effective way to maintain your credit score and financial health.

The first step in the process is to obtain a copy of your credit report from each of the three credit reporting bureaus. This allows you to thoroughly review the report for any inaccurate information related to the collections account, and you may dispute any inaccuracies to remove the negative impact on your credit score.

Below are the key steps to dispute a Capital One Collections account on your credit report:

  • Review your credit reports carefully: Go through your credit reports from each of the three bureaus and identify any discrepancies related to the collections account. Inaccuracies may include the account not being yours, incorrect dates or amounts, or the account already having been paid.
  • Gather supporting documentation: Collect any proof or documents that support your dispute, such as bank statements, receipts, correspondence, or other evidence that demonstrates errors in your credit report. The more evidence you can gather, the stronger your case will be.
  • File a dispute with the credit bureaus: Contact the three major credit bureaus and initiate a dispute by enclosing the relevant supporting documentation. Each credit bureau has an online dispute center to file disputes, and you can also mail in the disputes or call their customer service departments. Be sure to dispute the error with each bureau, as they don't share information with each other.
  • Monitor your dispute status: The credit bureaus are legally bound to complete their investigations within a predefined time frame, usually 30-45 days from the date of receiving your dispute. Keep track of your dispute status and follow up as necessary to ensure your credit report is rectified.

Once your dispute has been investigated, the credit bureaus will provide a written response detailing the outcome of their investigation. If the collections account is found to be in error, they will remove or update the account details accordingly, which should help improve your credit score.

Contact Us For Your Free Case Review

At Fair Credit, our experienced attorneys are here to help you regain control of your finances and achieve long-term financial stability. 

Our approach is tailored specifically to fit your financial circumstances so that you can find a path out of debt and get your life back on track. Don't wait - take advantage of our free case review today.

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