Enhanced Recovery Company on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
April 11, 2023

Are you currently battling debt collectors from Enhanced Recovery Company (ERC)? We understand what a stressful time this can be, but don't worry--you're not alone. In fact, many people across the country are in similar situations and they've found success by fighting back against ERC's aggressive tactics. In this blog post we'll show you how to fight ERC's collections head-on and reclaim your financial freedom.

You'll learn the steps necessary to protect yourself legally, respond effectively when contacted by an ERC representative or collector, negotiate with them on your own terms, and ultimately make sure that any collection accounts placed in your name come off of your credit report—permanently.

What Does Enhanced Recovery Company Do?

Enhanced Recovery Company is a Jacksonville, Florida-based debt collection agency founded in 1999. Functioning as a limited liability company (LLC), this agency differs from other debt collectors in that it doesn't actually purchase the debt that it pursues - instead, ERC is hired by the original creditor to enforce collections activities. They do this through a robust phone and letter campaign, which are often a nuisance to consumers.

Is Enhanced Recovery Company a Legitimate Company?

Yes. Enhanced Recovery Company is a legitimate company - if you receive a call from them, don't hang up and hope the problem disappears on it's own. The agency is not a scam, and is legally permitted to attempt to collect payment on your debt.

Contact Information:

  • Phone Number: 800-942-0015
  • Website: https://ercbpo.com/
  • BBB Rating: 1/5

The company may legally be able to collect on debts, but their reputation with consumers is far from stellar. With a star rating of 1 out of 5 from the Better Business Bureau and thousands of complaints at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, it's easy to see why people aren't happy with ERC.

This is likely due to unethical practices or poor customer service that consumers have experienced, leaving them feeling powerless and taken advantage of.

Unfortunately, this sends a discouraging message to those who do legitimately owe money on past due accounts, as these experiences lead people to expecting the worst when dealing with debt collection agencies.

Why Am I Getting Phone Calls from Enhanced Recovery Company?

If you're contacted by ERC, this means that they believe you are responsible for a debt. Whether or not you actually do owe the money may be dependent on a few factors. For example, if you recently changed addresses and never received a bill due to the collection agency's failure to update its records, then it's possible that the debt went unnoticed by you.

In addition, there are circumstances where the debt is not even valid in the first place; for instance, if it’s listed under your name but isn’t actually your debt or if the amount being sought is incorrect. It pays to take pause and review the details of each situation before moving forward with any payment plans. These include the following:

  • Paid Debts

Any debt that has already been settled with the creditor, either through a payment plan or full payment.

  • Unauthorized Debts

Debt incurred without your knowledge or authorization, such as identity theft.

  • Misreported Debts

Any debt inaccurately reported on your credit report as late or unpaid, when in fact you have paid it.

  • Disputed Debts

Any debt that you dispute, and feel is inaccurate or incorrect on your credit report.

If a debt collection agency is trying to collect a debt that you do not believe belongs to you, don't just sit back and let it happen. Stand up for yourself and demand the collector produce information that substantiates their claim of you owing them money.

Make sure to get in contact with a law firm such as Fair Credit. We can assist you in the dispute process and help to get any inaccuracies removed from your report.

What Can I Do If I’m Being Harassed by Enhanced Recovery Company?

Enhanced Recovery Company and other debt collectors can resort to aggressive tactics in efforts to get you to pay off an overdue debt. Many of these tactics border on threatening and outright illegal behavior, making it essential for you to know and understand the rights granted to you by the Federal Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

This law specifies what collectors like ERC are allowed to do when pursuing a debt, dictating the language they must use, requiring that collection calls abide by restricted hours, and mandating that they treat consumers with respect and maintain a professional demeanor when conducting conversations.

In order to protect yourself from undue collections practices encouraged by companies like Enhanced Recovery Company, educate yourself on your legal rights under FDCPA so you know where you stand when these organizations come knocking. The following behaviors are prohibited under federal law:

  • Harassment or abuse of a consumer, such as using obscene or profane language, repeatedly calling with the intent to annoy or harass, and threats of violence.
  • Misrepresenting information regarding the debt, such as falsely claiming to be an attorney or law enforcement official, deliberately misrepresenting the amount owed on a debt, and falsely implying that failure to pay will result in criminal actions against the consumer.
  • Communicating with third parties without obtaining prior consent from the consumer and failing to provide accurate information about the nature of their communication.
  • Contacting consumers at inconvenient times by calling before 8am or after 9pm local time.
  • Publishing any lists of consumers who allegedly refuse to pay debts, also known as “shaming”.

If you're dealing with debt, it's important to take proactive measures to protect yourself from any unfair tactics on Enhanced Recovery Company's part - and understanding your rights as a consumer is your first line of defense.

That being said, having evidence handy — especially written proof like correspondence or telephone records — is another great way to keep ERCs in check. That way if any violations occur, you'll be equipped to file a lawsuit against the company and seek justice in court. If you're contemplating legal action, be sure to consult with an attorney qualified to guide you through the process.

Who Does Enhanced Recovery Company Collect For?

Enhanced Recovery Company collects for companies across a broad spectrum of industries. These include banks and other financial institutions, utility companies, student lenders and more. It's important to keep in mind that when it comes to your rights under federal law, not all debts are created equal - for instance, recent laws passed by congress, including the No Surprise Act, provide additional protections for those battling medical debt.

The best way to understand your rights is by working with an attorney familiar with credit and debt laws who can help guide you through the process.

How Can I Get Enhanced Recovery Off My Credit Report?

If Enhanced Recovery Company is showing up on your credit report, it's important to get it removed. Collections accounts impact your overall credit score, and they can impact your ability to secure leases, home loans, car loans and a variety of other credit-based applications. Here are a few tips to get the negative mark removed:

  • Try to negotiate with the collection agency. You may be able to get them to agree to remove the collection from your credit report if you agree to pay the debt.
  • If you have been the victim of debt collection harassment, you may be able to file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
  • You can also try disputing the debt with the credit reporting agencies. If they find that the debt is inaccurate, they will remove it from your report.

It can also be beneficial to consult with an attorney with experience in getting collections accounts removed from your credit report. This can help improve your financial health and prevent you from having more limited opportunities in the future.

Can Enhanced Recovery Sue Me?


Though rare, debt collection agencies like Enhanced Recovery can sue anyone who fails to pay off their debts. Any legal action should not be ignored and will likely result in a default judgment if the defendant does not respond or otherwise appear in court - this could result in wage garnishment or liens, which can lead to bankruptcy if you’re unable to make ends meet and detrimentally impact your long-term financial future.

To avoid this, it is important to seek legal assistance if Enhanced Recovery chooses to initiate a lawsuit. 

An experienced lawyer can provide guidance and assistance in resolving your situation without having to face legal issues down the road. They can help you prepare your answer, file it with the court and make sure all possible legal defenses are explored. Additionally, they can advise you on how to manage your debt and create a plan for repayment that works for your unique financial circumstances. 

Contact Us For Your Free Case Review

At Fair Credit, we strive to protect consumer rights and help put an end to the undue stress that often comes along with collections agencies. We understand it can be a difficult process, which is why our team of experienced legal experts are here to guide you through your case and make sure Enhanced Recovery Company won't cause any further harm.

Our experience and resources provide us with the tools to navigate delicate financial matters and aid our clients in obtaining favorable outcomes. With every case we accept, our goal is to resolve whatever issue may arise quickly and efficiently while also protecting their rights. Let us ease your burden - don't hesitate, contact us today for your free case review.

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